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  • School Principals That Said “YES” to Nevet

    Much of our work is dedicated to enhancing your relationships with your students, knowing that that bond can literally change their lives.

    We also know that it’s not a simple request to ask your staff to add this job of preparing sandwiches to already packed schedules or to convince a student to have a techina sandwich instead of a chocolate one.

    But all this has a direct impact on a child’s ability to learn, to feel connected and worthy when they see it comes from you. We are deeply grateful for this partnership with you and know that together we will help design a better future for Israel’s children.



    Principals Looking to Find out More About NEVET

    We invite you to join us and benefit from cooperating with us to leave a meaningful impression on our children life. Our goal is to expand our program to a national food program and every new school helps us get closer to achieving that vision.

    School staff, What do we need from you?

    • Responsibility

    • Cooperation

    • Engagement

    • Availability

    For more information about how to join us contact schools@nevet.org


    Countrywide Map of Activities

    • 1,800,000

      Sandwiches distributed annually

    • 250

      Schools all around Israel

    • 90%

      Of school principals state that the distribution of sandwiches improved class and school attendance rates

    • 97.5%

      Of school principals state that the distribution of sandwiches improved student behavior during class and recess

    Annual activity gallery

    How it Works

    Nevet has created a logistics network that works every day to protect student dignity, enhance relationships between students and teachers while providing healthy, fresh and tasty food for thousands of Israeli youth. All this is done while promoting fiscal responsibility so that every donation yields the best possible results.




    School principals fill out a form detailing their specific needs and the decision is then granted based on a series of objective criteria.


    School Training

    Ahead of the new school year, we meet with all of our principals with the goal of building a connection to our joint partnership. At this meeting, we explain the importance of hygiene in food preparation and varied menu, and how to manage the process of food quality and safety.


    Purchasing and Storage

    All purchasing is done by us, focused on quality and diverse ingredients, which are then transported for storage in our warehouse in Raanana.



    Our national network consists of 14 separate distribution zones where, every day, our driver visits one zone to deliver the key ingredients that fill the sandwiches (cheeses, hummus, techina, matbucha, tuna, olives, pickles, etc.). Bread and rolls are delivered directly to the schools several times per week, or daily based on the need.


    Sandwich Preparation

    The school staff (usually teachers) prepare the sandwiches early in the day, focusing on hygiene and food safety standards, as enforced in our training.


    Sandwich Distribution

    Each school determines how to best distribute the sandwiches with the goal of complete discretion to protect the students’ dignity. It’s important to note that there is no branding or other labeling on the sandwiches that would identify where they are coming from.


    Quality Control

    A team of volunteers and Nevet representatives visit the schools to ensure the process is being carried out effectively and safely. We work with the teachers on an ongoing basis to address any issues or areas for improvement.



    Twice a year, participating schools send in an assessment report where they review its impact and detail specific parameters to measure success (attendance, educational achievements, relationship levels between student and teacher, etc.)




    When does one sign-up?

    Principals interested in joining the program should fill out the form before the summer vacation (May-June). Schools already in the program will be contacted when new registration opens for the coming year.


    Can we join mid-year?

    Yes. Be in touch and we will be happy to help.


    How do you choose which schools can join the program?

    We rank school eligibility based on various criteria such as: location, socio-economic factors and other sources of welfare support provided by the school etc.


    Is the program relevant for all schools?

    As our resources are still limited, the program is limited to those students with a specific level of need. Our goal is to be able to expand the program throughout the country to all children who can benefit from our support.


    Who funds the program?

    Since our founding, our funding structure has been based on the understanding that the local and national agencies and governments must share the budgetary costs of the program as they are charged with the education budget for our children. As such 50 percent of funding comes from our donor community and the remaining half from institutional partners like the school networks and the local municipalities.


    What infrastructure does the school need to have in place?

    Every school in the program needs to have a dedicated space for food preparation including a fridge exclusively used for our food items (and not shared). In addition, they will need to supply utensils for food preparation and a closet for dry goods. The school principal is exclusively responsible for overseeing the program but often he or she can assign someone else to be centrally involved.


    Who prepares the sandwiches and when?

    The school staff volunteers for this role and they are prepared every day before the students arrive.


    How can we convince the kids to accept the food without a sense of shame?

    We work with you throughout the whole process and introduce you to the concept with patience and compassion. We use a variety of distribution methods that ensure discretion and ensure that the students’ emotions and concerns are being respected.


    How do we convince kids to accept a more ‘varied menu’?

    When kids eat together and see the varied options available they are more prepared to try new things. We work closely with the staff and help them acclimate to the various options.


    Is the food kosher? Which certification?

    Yes. All foods are purchased from suppliers with a kashrut certification. When schools have specific kashrut needs we work to respond to those requests.


    Are there considerations for children with allergies?

    Of course. If any child is allergic to any of the ingredients we provide, we make sure that ingredient isn’t included in the shipments to the entire school.


    How do you ensure food safety?

    At the start of every school year and the beginning of the program, we hold a training session with the principals on the topic of hygiene and food safety. In our registration documents we further elaborate on this issue. Once a month, we take it upon ourselves to perform an internal audit in the schools to ensure they are upholding our high standards of safety and cleanliness.



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